As we work with you, we’ll do our best to help you put your best foot forward. Here are some general “Dos and Don’ts” to remember:
Build a Strong Resume.
Your resume is the first thing a prospective employer will see of you, and its level of quality may decide whether or not you get an interview. A good resume is well-organized, concise and honest. It is very important to not have any spelling or grammatical errors, so proofread it thoroughly, then have someone else proofread it.
Be Prepared.
Research the company and learn what they do. Know the specifics of the position you’re applying for and be prepared to explain how your skills can help accomplish the overall goals of the company. Learn some standard interview questions and prepare your answers. Have some examples of previous accomplishments and successes and be prepared to link them to the interviewer’s questions. Prepare some questions of your own.
Create a Good First Impression.
You won’t be the only person applying for the job, so find ways to stand out.
- Dress professionally, even if the dress code is casual.
- Arrive a little early.
- Smile, be positive, make eye contact.
- Display enthusiasm and passion.
- Show your interviewer that you’re listening to what he or she is saying.
Follow Up with a Thank-You Note.
Follow up on that first impression with a second one that shows that you are professional, respectful and courteous. This may seem old-fashioned, but it’s a great way to let your interviewer know that you appreciate their time and make sure they remember you. If you don’t have a street address, it’s fine to send an email.
Show Up Late to an Interview.
You should try to show up 10-15 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Showing up late is unprofessional and disrespectful. Before you leave home for the interview, jot down the phone number of the person who will be interviewing you—that way, if you have an extreme emergency, you can call and let them know.
Exaggerate About Your Skills, Education or Experience.
It will become obvious after hiring if you are not qualified for the job.
Bad-Mouth a Previous Employer.
Or a different company you interviewed with. Or anyone at all, actually. You want your interviewer to remember you positively, so even if you’ve had a bad experience, don’t dwell on the negative. Instead, focus on what you’ve learned.
Use an Unprofessional Email Address.
If you are still using the email account that you started when you were in high school that uses your nickname or references your favorite animal (catluvrgurl777 @ radURL.com?), it’s time to upgrade. Even if your email address isn’t quite that unprofessional, you might want to create a separate account just for job inquiries so you can keep your emails more organized.